Comment history with karmakiller
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 comments
welllll, there are different kinds of jackasses... like theres funny ones, mean ones, ones who think they are one but aren't and umm... hmm... idk. i cant say im a jackass. im just a random, sarcastic person that other people think of as mean. i prefer the term "misunderstood" haha
Cheyeah. Lucky numba 3! It's luckier than 7.
It takes too much effort to type like that. That's like me telling you you should always be nice on the forums cause it's... different. hah. Wait... were you ever "mean"?
omigawh, omigawsh, i wanna be lucky numba three. pwease. kthanxbi.
(Ew, don't make me type like that again.)
Psssssh whatever. you only have one friend. for every efriend i have, i have 2 more real ones (one invisible friend and one like you and me) :)
Hah, my last 4 comments have been from you.
I need more e-friends. haha
hehehe, you're so funny.
:) okay, sooooo you're not ugly.
Well, I don't think you'd steal an ugly persons pic.
OMG, I'm just kidding!
Yeah, I know it's a pain in the ass. The only way it tells you if you click on My Account. I guess that's better than a big flashing box showing up when you're on the forums...
it's actually pretty hard to keep calm about it.
btw, i didn't even realize you commented me. wtf? no notifications.
I must say you made a great topic. I probably wouldn't be able to be that calm with people.